Welcome to my dev blog!

Here I will record my progress as a sort of journal, starting right at the beginning of 2024.
Most of this will be about my progress on my passion project 'Elements of Chaos' but I may also add quick changes and updates to this site.
I'm incredibly rusty at coding so if this looks incredibly simple, that's why. It doesn't have to be fancy for a bunch of text anyway! If I can, I'll occasionally
add images to this page so you guys have some previews of what I'm working on.

Major updates will still be posted to my social media as well, but the nitty gritty details will be here.

Disclaimer: I have ADHD and this can lead to frequent typos, please be kind I'm doing my best :)

Week 1 (January 1st - 7th)

The first week of January was a rough one, I'm not going to lie, aside from just bouncing back from the holiday season I had some personal stuff happen that got me pretty messed up.
I think it (thankfully) didn't last too long and I'll be okay. I did manage to get some progress in on the next character reference (which will be Knuckles the Echidna) but it's mostly
text and formatting. I haven't been able to add actual art doodles to flesh out his design as of yet. But that's okay because I need to know the amount of space I'm working with~
I'm sorry if this first log is a bit sparse but aside from getting this page set up I just didn't get that much done as of yet, baby steps and all that. It'll pick up!
Sundays are when I will update this blog with a new entry, I'm slowly working my way up to dedicating three days in the week to Elements of Chaos so I can start including
pictures and snippets of writing. I also have a couple of side things planned but I can't make any promises yet! One thing I can say for sure is a 300 follower milestone
on my twitter is fast approaching and when it hits I will host another free art raffle for everyone supporting me over there!
I hope everyone had a nice holiday season and may 2024 be better than the last!

Week 2 (January 8th - 14th)

Week 2 has come and go, I can't say I made a sudden jump in progress because my brain was still fried from previously mentioned personal drama but hey! I didn't sit still either!

Boom! Well, it's not much I know, but shiny shading is more to show off than text or black formatting outlines so I know what goes where. There are in fact 'boring' parts to being an artist.
A character reference isn't just a sketh or series of sketches you slap a background on and squeeze in text in whatever empty space you have left. You have to start with the most important visuals
and actually think about where to place them. The middle is always a safe choice but you can do whatever you want as long as it's easy to read for yourself first and foremost. (Unless you work with a team)
There's tons of tutorials and tips on this so instead of boring you with one, try looking up 'character reference sheet formatting/structuring' and I'm sure you can find some neat stuff.
Honestly I'm just glad I got to put some actual art related news on here. Still not where I want to be in terms of productivity but hey, I'm human. I'm gonna have bodypains, sickness,
bad mental health days, busy personal stuff, the works and that's okay. As someone with perfectionism, part of the reasons why I'm keeping this log is to teach myself that nothing
ever goes 100% according to plan and that it's not my fault when it doesn't. Who knows, maybe I can pass that on to whoever reads this too~
Week 3 here we come!~

Week 3 (January 15th - 21th)

Oh, nothing much happened really, nothing at all-SYKE.

"But Umbra! That image is TINY!" I hear you say, no worries! Simply click it to go to see it at it's full resolution! Next character that needs a reference is Scourge!
After that I'll work on writing the first chapter of Elements of Chaos in the hopes to have it ready for publishing in late April! Yaaaay!

Week 4 (January 22th - 28th)

Nothing much to update sadly. I've been very exhausted because I've been sleeping poorly, had a birthday to attend, part time job, just boring personal life stuff. The creative juices are slowly returning though.
I'm doing this project for myself with no deadlines or outside funding (though that would be welcome, lmao) so I'm just not going to push myself. I'm not a machine.
When I started I knew this would be long haul and I'm pretty comfortable trucking along at my own pace. I'm sorry if that pace is too slow and boring for folks stoked about this project but hey, again,
One Guy doin' it all :U

To compensate here's some inking I'll use on Scourge's reference sheet.